Eleven years ago I left a life in the city of Hobart in Tasmania and moved onto land in the subtropical coast in NSW Australia.

Shortly after I arrived and had semi settled in it became apparent to me that some things had changed. I soon became aware there wasn’t a delicious deli down the bottom of the hill, like in Sandy Bay, the suburb of Hobart where I lived and had just left behind.

How uncivilised!

And who stole my beach that I spent so many hours walking on?

It was there last week.

And there wasn’t even 8,420 restaurants twenty-five minutes walk away either.

How much more backward can a place get?

And can you believe it, there isn’t even a pub nearby with some of the great blues music that Hobart can turn on either.

Man, what’s this backwater I’ve come to?

All that I’ve got around me now is thousands of acres of trees.

No restaurants. No quality takeaways. So what do I do for food? I’ve still got to eat.

What’s that you say?


What’s cook?

So if you don’t mind your weather being on the cool side, Hobart really is a fabulous place to live, it has so much to offer.

 So before you make a big move be sure that you know you’ll be happy with what awaits you when you get there, and also be sure you know that you’ll be happy without those things that you’re leaving behind. Be sure that you’ll be happy with both of those before you actually make that big move.